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We have a special newsletter here to help Agents with techniques for making listings stand out from a photography standpoint. Since a majority of homes for sale are viewed online before showings, it’s important to put your best foot forward at the start!  Here are tips we have learned over the years to maximize your listing appeal:


Proper Prep techniques

–          Always, always encourage your sellers to declutter the days leading up to the photoshoot!  Put all those personal excess items inside the garage or guest room closets. It’s never too much to take out MORE, especially bulky furniture that crowds a room.

–          Remove ALL small appliances from Kitchen counters – if you want something out, only leave neat knife set, a simple cooking utensil holder or a bowl of fresh fruit.

–          Take off those refrigerator magnets or calendars. It’s amazing how the little things become a major distraction in real estate photography.

–          Trim those Oak Trees!  Is the property inundated with those large Florida Oaks? Stand at the front of the house, do you see large limbs sagging into view?  Have them trimmed up for the best front photos possible (same for the backyard).

–          Show up early for a photoshoot appointment!  Sometimes the sellers need that extra boost to see what is distracting and have it removed before the photographer arrives.

Photo-Prep My Visual Listings

Time of Day shooting

–      Since your #1 MLS Photo is a front angle, a good photographer will always let you know the ideal time of day for front sun exposure.  If the property faces East, the sunniest time is always in the morning!

–      For Vacation photoshoots, this concept is reversed by aiming for sun exposure times on the Pool for a fun in the sun look.

Exteriors_My Visual Listings

Do some Digital Visual work

–      Virtual Twilight is an amazing service that converts a daytime shot (front OR back exterior) to dusk-look.  Cheaper than photographer-shot twilight at 7 PM, this technique makes the #1 MLS photo stand out from the rest.

Virtual Twilight Conversion

–      Virtual Staging is another cost-effective technique that helps buyers visualize the space. Even though the furniture isn’t inside the actual home, showcasing online how an empty room can be arranged with modern, transitional furniture makes a HUGE difference and invites buyers to view more images.  It also shows buyers you are making the effort to help them understand the space.

Virtual Staging Conversion
Order Listing Photoshoot Here

Author Erika

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